Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Six Steps to Building Good Business Relationships:

Any business venture requires good client relationship for its success. Good customer service is more important in the case of property managers; they dealing with the property owners under whom they work and also with the tenants who interact with them on a daily basis. An efficient and effective property manager is one who combines all the business practices to build a good customer relationship. The following are the six steps to build good business relationships.

1. Keeping the tenants happy by monitoring their day to day details is what the property owner really wants. Even though he is paying the salary, it is ultimately the opinion of the tenants that counts. So to keep the boss happy, it is required to keep the tenants happy.
 2. Make a set of written guidelines and procedures that is available to the tenants. The guidelines and procedures may include things like rent payments and repair requests and by these guidelines, the gap between you and the tenants can be minimized. The tenants can know how to report their problems and what is expected from them. It may sometimes happen that the issue is beyond the written procedures or guidelines and in such cases, the thing to remember is that these things happen when dealing with people and to trying and solving the problem in the best possible manner is the ideal solution.
 3. It is also required to keep the over head costs as low as possible. Problems should be taken care of as soon as they happen and it is better to keep the problems away before they occur. Regular maintenance and check in will avoid the bigger problems and will save a lot of money in the long run.
4. Records of contact information, payments, outstanding issues and other relevant information should be maintained in an up to date and easily accessible log. The property owner will think you to be reliable when he checks the records and gets the answers in no time. You can also have a 24 x 7 online tracking system to help things better.
 5. Try to respond to the calls and emails of the tenants and property owners as quickly as possible. It is better to keep aside some specific time every day to respond to these calls and emails. Respond to the emergencies immediately and in cases where you do not know the answer or will take some time to resolve an issue, let it known that you are on the case by a quick call or an email
. 6. Keep all the lines of communication open. The property owner or the tenants should never feel that you are unapproachable. They should feel comfortable approaching you, and very open when there is a problem or an issue. This will create loyalty and will lessen your work of finding tenants regularly. And there are better chances of you being alerted quickly whenever a problem or repair arises. The more quickly you know about the issue, the more easier and cost effective it becomes to solve it

. Imperia Structures Ltd is on of the leading real estate developer in Delhi NCR. if you have any Imperia Structures Ltd Complaints or Imperia Complaints or Imperia structures Complaints contact us.

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